Monday 20 August 2012

Coach Hire In August and For The End Of 2012

So we are over the crazy season in the coach industry and we have all enjoyed the Olympics.

This is a great time of year for the coach hire industry because we can focus on getting everything done for 2013, planning our marketing, looking at customer service improvements and general business planning.

What would we say the industry needs to look at doing in 2013?

1. Continued focus on customer service, improving service levels and complaint handling on the day.

2. Customers will keep on getting more demanding and they are more likely to complain online, so get a good complaints process.

3. 2013 is going to be an important year for the coach industry with changes to the way we market ourselves, more comparison websites, more social media activity, mobile and data integration.

An interesting time to be in the industry.


  1. Hi John, Can i add my coach company to your coach compare for Plymouth area please. My email address is as I send you our details

  2. Hi Derrick,

    Yes you can, please email me and I will sen you the details.

